Friday, March 31, 2017

March Writing Exercise - Fail

On the last day of February, I made the decision to try and write every day for the month of March. I didn’t create a set word count that I wanted to reach by the end. My only rule: I had to write at least one hour a day. As long as I was not distracted during this time, it didn’t matter how much words I conjured up in a day.

Based on the title of this blog post, I’m sure you can take a very good guess on how it went down.

During the first five days, it went great. I wrote 5,348 words during this time. I was pretty much pulling the stunt that I do for NaNoWriMo – just write about any vaguely interesting idea and see where it takes me. For two or three of my stories, I didn’t even finish them because I couldn’t quite commit to its ending (and figured that I’d write its conclusion another day).

But then I didn’t write the next day, which was my downfall. I started writing either every other day or every two days. Writer’s block had its grip on me and I had difficulty shaking free from it. And I chose to do other leisure things (like reading or watch Netflix) instead of facing it head-on.

The last day that I actually did some creative writing was back on the 18th. Basically two weeks ago. I only wrote 11/31 days this month (about 35.5%, for you math nerds) and only wrote a total of 10,187 words.

Here’s what I learned for the experience, though:

  • I like structure. I should have known this about myself already. But when I set a strict goal for myself, I do everything I can to achieve it because I hate the idea of failing. (Gotta love being a perfectionist.) I do better at actually sitting down to write when I’m trying to complete a certain word count rather than setting aside a set amount of time. Nothing like imposing a deadline to force me to take my goal seriously.

  • Despite the fact that I type more when I feel pressured for a word count, I write better when I stop worrying about how much words I need to accumulate. My syntax feels less choppy and I become more descriptive when I take my time. Which is good to know because the ultimate goal is to be able to improve my craft, after all. 

Hopefully this doesn't mean that I'm screwed. I have to find a way where I can compete against myself, but at the same time, not sacrifice the quality of my work.

But knowing all this now, part of me wants to create an April Writing Exercise. Round 2 of trying to write regularly. Kinda create my own version of Camp NaNoWriMo (which actually takes place during the month of April). Maybe I should set a rather low word count and just write every other day so I don’t burn out?

Part of me also wants to attempt a second draft of the main story that I worked on in NaNo ’16. But then my project from last July is also tugging on me as well.

Basically, I don’t know what stories I’m going to focus on in the near future. But, hey, I don’t know what I’m doing with my own life, so why would this be any different? (It all works out in the end, right? Please tell me that it does.)

P.S. On Monday, I finished reading THE THOUSANDTH FLOOR by Katharine McGee. Guys, I highly recommend this book. It’s set a hundred years in the future, but it’s not a dystopian, and the world-building was fascinating. I typically don’t like drama/high society novels, but the interconnectedness of the characters and the world itself drew me in. I’m so happy to learn that it’s the first in a trilogy (the cover of its sequel was just released the other day).

Also, the book cover is extremely pretty. So there’s that, too.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Go Check Out My Guest Post: Part 2

Today is another very short blog post day. And as you can gather from the title, I have another guest post! Like last time, I wrote a little something for the Oakland Arts Review (OAR). In case you forgot, OAR is Oakland University’s international undergraduate literary magazine. I became involved with their team back in the autumn and, despite being a graduate now, I’m still giving them a hand with various tasks.

This time, I wrote about how to write without getting distracted. Because let’s face it. Sometimes you will find anything to do except to actually write. (My tips could also apply to homework in general or just trying to get stuff done on the computer.) You can find my post HERE.

Shameless plug
: If you’re an undergrad and also a writer of fiction/non-fiction/poetry/comics, we would love to receive a submission from you. It’s totally free and it’s a great experience to get your work out there. And who knows? I might be one of the people reading your work. ;)

But in the meantime…head over to the OAR blog and read my post there. And then, if you feel inclined to do so, read some blog entries from my former classmates as well. They have great things to say, too.