Friday, August 15, 2014

Advice for College Freshmen

For many people out there, the time to head back to school has begun (and for those unfortunate ones, you could already be back). Some of you will be heading off to college for the first time.

This blog post is dedicated to you.

Considering that I just graduated from college in May, I like to think that I have some advice for you incoming freshman. After all, it’s still fresh in my memory. (Plus, my brother will be heading off to college in nine days.)

And because I like lists, that’s exactly what you will get.

1.) For those of you who will be living in a dorm and rooming with a person that you were assigned to: Relax. You should go in with an open mind and work on at least tolerating the person. There is a chance that you won’t become best friends like some people. I went in blind four times and only once did it not work out (and she was my first roommate; she moved out by the end of the semester, so it all worked out). You will be living with this person for a school year. If things become sour and you need to move out, you always have that option.

2.) It will be strange adjusting to how your classes go about homework. They give you a schedule of when things are due and when tests will occur. Stay on top of this. I purposely did most of my homework during the weekends so that I didn’t have to do so much during the weekdays. I’m weird like that.

3.) Get involved! You don’t have to go crazy with it, but it’s the easiest way to make friends. A lot of people like to join organizations that revolve around their major because it gives them a leg up. And that’s totally fine. Plus, club activities force you to get out of your dorm and not solely focus on schoolwork.

4.) Don’t freak out about your major. People average to changing their major twice while at college (or something like that). I switched once and thought about changing it again. You’ll be fine. Take a variety of classes and see which ones not only interest you, but you do well in.

5.) Extra advice (because five is a good number to stop at): Strike up a balance. Don’t overload yourself with work. Take time for yourself, whether that means going to the campus movie theatre or taking a walk. For me, I spent it reading books between classes or typing out a story in the evening after homework was completed. 

Bottom line: Have fun! But remember to also make time for schoolwork because that’s the whole reason why you are there in the first place.

It goes by quick. Trust me.