Thursday, October 31, 2013

NaNoWriMo '13

Ah! I feel awful for taking such a long time to post something new.

It was a bit belated, but autumn finally arrived here in Michigan. It’s gotten colder and most of the trees here seem to have shed their ignited foliage. I’m so thankful that I live in a dorm and I don’t have to rake the leaves (so…much…raking back at home).
Before I know it, Thanksgiving will be right around the corner. However, something exciting is approaching…
Tomorrow is officially the start of NaNoWriMo!

For those of you who are not in the know, basically you try to write 50,000 words in the month of November. It’s a crazy month. I have to try and balance writing, school-work, sleep, and some type of social life (although, let’s be honest, that’s the first to go).

But I love it.
This will be my third year participating (I’ve known about it for five, but I just decided to finally go for it three years ago). And you know what? I’ve never actually “won.”
The first year, I only got to 26,898 words. That’s it. I always meant to finish the story, but now I think it’s probably better off being on the shelf. Last year, I was a rebel by writing a bunch of short stories instead and cranked out 35,740. It was quite an improvement.

Do I think I’ll actually reach the 50k mark this year? Probably not. And that’s okay. The whole point of NaNoWriMo is to stop making excuses and get you to write more. For me, my goal is to just surpass last year’s amount. And I’m actually focusing on just one story this time.

I’ve been stuck inside this “box” for a while, overanalyzing everything I write and paralyzing me. NaNo will help me pull out of it.

I think all of us should write with reckless abandonment this month.   

P.S. Happy Halloween!!