Looking back, it seems like the past year has flown by so much. Then again, I feel like I have this thinking at the end of every year.
Next year, I will be graduating from college. Such a strange thought.
Thinking about the end of my undergrad and my uncertain
future, it made me reflect on that one saying: [insert age group] will be the best
time of your life.
For me, junior high sucked. High school was better, but not
by much. College has been great, but it certainly comes with its own stresses.
And I’m sure that the “real world” will have its own perks
and strains.
But when do we finally reach that “best time of our lives”?
Do we ever get there? Or do we constantly strive to better our lives that our
idea of “best time” changes as we grow older?
I think I like that idea. I mean, it’s sort of depressing to
think that one day I may look back and constantly long for a period of time in
my life that I will never achieve again. It’d be reassuring to know that my
life is filled with “good times” throughout than think that I’ve already past
that one “best time.”
Maybe I need to ask an elder for their opinion on this…
P.S. Just in case
anyone was curious, I actually finished my NaNo with 36,181 words. So I didn’t
win. But! I did manage to beat my word count from last year (by about 400
words) and that was the whole point.
By the last week of November, I seriously doubted
whether I’d surpass my last year’s word count. During the last two days, I
cranked out 5,822 words and it was finally enough.
I was supposed to be writing an essay during that time for a
class. Instead, I wrote for NaNoWriMo. I probably should get better priorities.
A week later, even
after staying up until six in the morning writing my second essay that week, I
still don’t regret it.